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3 Lesser-Known Benefits of Carbonless Forms

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Although documentation has gone digital in modern-day business operations, it is still essential to keep hard copies for various purposes, such as audits. Most enterprises use carbon paper to make copies of the original document. While carbon paper does its job, a business stands to benefit more by switching to carbonless forms. These eliminate the need for carbon paper every time you want to make copies of records. This article highlights some of the lesser-known benefits of using carbonless forms in business operations. Read More»

Self-Publishing: An Overview Of Bookbinding Options

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When you decide to self-publish a book, you’ll have sole responsibility for the printing decisions. There are a number of factors to take into consideration when contracting with a printer including cost, paper type, printing method and cover type, but one of the key decisions you’ll have to make is how your book will be bound. The type of bookbinding you choose can affect the first impression your book gives to potential readers, so what are your choices and what are the differences between binding styles? Read More»